Hello and welcome to my first blog. If you're reading this hopefully you're interested in meeting me one day. I'd love to meet you too, and as many enquirers are sadly unsuccessful in this area I'm going to explain here which kind of enquiries tend to meet with success, and how best to guarantee getting an invite into my boudoir.
The first step in getting my attention is effective communication. This begins with texting rather than phoning, as requested in all my advertising. I never answer calls or check my voice messages. This is partly for privacy reasons ie i'm not comfortable answering my business phone in public as it is not discreet. The main reason is that I finding texting a much more efficient and less stressful way of conveying information, responding to enquiries and organising bookings. I find it easier and less time-consuming to answer multiple texts than phone calls. I also have a record of what has been said, which is very helpful when remembering exactly what you are after.
Unfortunately there is a breed of client who think it is a clever idea to phone me repeatedly, assuming I will reach the end of my tether and pick up eventually. They are wrong, I simply block them. The way a person communicates with me tells me a lot about them and their attitude and whether I'd like to give them my address and get intimate with them. In this way many people screen themselves out.
When I open my text messages I quickly scan for the ones that look polite and well written. The 'hi's', 'heys' and 'available?' ones get disregarded completely. I've never tried booking a doctor's or hairdressing appointment using one word enquiries, and while I wonder at which type of person would employ this method, I am not interested in meeting them.
Writing in full sentences rather than text speak tells me I can take you seriously. Showing you have read my ad/website will likewise impress me. On the other hand, asking me questions already answered in my advertising will annoy me, and lead me to think you do not know what is involved in my service and reject your booking on that basis. If you would like to double check something such as rates for your peace of mind then let me know that is what you are doing and I will absolutely understand.
It is probably obvious by now, but being respectful is an absolute must. My only response to disrespectful communication or a bad attitude is rejection. I like to have a good time with my gentlemen visitors, and bad clients and experiences are not worth the money.
I am quite staunch about keeping myself, my clients, and my industry as safe as possible and will also reject and permanently ban anybody who enquires about uncovered (no condom) services. And I am not fooled by the lame 'I was just checking to make sure you're safe' excuse I've heard many times before. Those guys need to get some shame already.
The most efficient way to make an appointment is to contact me with the day and time you wish to see me, the duration and which service/s you are after (the lingam or lingam + full service). It is also good to let me know of any extras or optional services you are after such as the Rosebud or prostate massage so I can plan the session accordingly. The same also applies if you are after more than one happy ending.
While I can be available on shorter notice, often I won't be and this is another reason so many people miss out on seeing me. Booking in advance is the only way to absolutely guarantee you will get a booking with me. This is especially true of morning appointments as, apart from the fact I love to sleep in if I haven't been pre-booked, I also like to clean and run errands in the morning.
If I do happen to be available on shorter notice I always require minimum 30 minutes to get ready. I work from home and am therefore in my own personal space. This means I likely need to do a little tidying up after whichever activity I've been occupying myself with, plus I like to dress up for you. If you've read my website you'll know I love lingerie. You may also know I get a lot of it from overseas, therefore it is expensive and not easily replaced, and I wouldn't dream of sitting around in it all day in readiness for potential appointments. Instead I use that 30 minutes to slip into something naughty, apply make up, get my work space ready and heat the oil for your massage.
The more notice I receive, the more relaxed and prepared I will feel in the booking. Which will result in a smoother, sexier experience for the both of us.
Now that you've unlocked how to contact me and get an appointment, I look forward to hearing from you and letting you catch me ;-)